Generally speaking what is a good salary? A good salary will be a kind salary that will make one live comfortably and still have enough to invest and also save.
In the US an average person in US will earn $55000 per year. Being the best economy in the world, it means that there is no other country in the world paying better than that.
Earning less than $3000 per month in a big city in US can be hard. That is what is considered a minimum wage in tier 1 cities in the US. We can say $100,000 per year is a good salary. Such salary is the average salary in those tier one cities.
A salary to be called good depends on what city and area you live you live in. In the US some cities are more expensive than others. Dividing the cities in tiers, New York, San Francisco S Bay area, and New York are tier one. Salaries in those cities are high to correspond with the living standards.
When looking for a job with a good salary there are some factors that come in to play for a salary one will expect. Some factors will affect how some jobs will pay. Factors like skill set needed for the job, education level, experience, and many more other factors.