How would you address wide range issues in groups.
In any kind of a group its always imperative to have the groups common goal and vision clearly communicated and internalised by members. Lack of this brings confusion and frictions.
If then there is any pressing issues bringing in disagreement or uncomfort in a group it ought be the first priority issue to deal with. This will help avoid further friction and break up of communication which may lead to group break up depending on the type of group.
Any issues threatening the group cohensiveness should also be addressed immediately.
Every member should be treated with respect inorder for the leader to earn respect too. Opinions and needs of members should also be looked into.
Encourage group work and unity. All members should work in teamwork. A good group leader should set a good example and let the group emulate him or her.
Encourage group members to participate in asking questions. Give them space to participate in decision making process. This will make them “own” every process. Initiate discussions, forums and other group activities. Channels of communications should be open at all times.
A forcussed group achieves great deal. Dealing with common group issues helps in de-escalating tensions. All that implemented will help address wide range of issue.